SWYN is a contemporary circus performance inspired by our Pembrokeshire coastline, Celtic past and our lived experiences, this is a show recalling tales of working the land and sea whilst being supported by a community of women. Ritual, herbs, ceremony, and the cycles of light and dark are incorporated into these stories and explored through circus, dance, text and song.

SWYN yw sioe wedi'i ysbrydoli gan arfordir Sir Benfro, ein hanes Celtaidd, ac ein profiadau bywyd. Dyma sioe sy'n adrodd chwedlau o weithio a chydfodoli gyda'r tir, wrth inni cael ein chefnogi gan gymuned o fenywod. Traddodiadau, perlysiau, defodau, ac y cynodau ooleuni a thywyllwch y tymhorau, yn eu cyfuno yn ein straeon, wrth inni eu harchwilio trwy gelfyddydau syrcas, dawns, llais a chân.
I had the pleasure of working on the sound piece for this performance, threading interviews with Hannah, Emma, Meg, the performers of SWYN who respectively work with the land as farmers, fishers and cultivators. These interviews were threaded with field recordings from West Wales and archival sounds collected from National Library Wales and The People's Collection. Stacey Blythe wrote and played the musical compositions, with supporting sounds from myself. 
Supported by Arts Council Wales.
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